Thursday, June 12, 2008

A little about me - as a photographer.

My entire concept for my business is that I want to be the personal photographer that families can afford! Amazing memories captured at an amazing price - simple as that.

I remember going to a "big chain" photographer when my daughter was a baby. Like so many, I went there because I couldn't afford the amazing photographers that cost a small fortune. When my son was born in 2005 I went to one of those places ONE time and never looked back! I had a great camera and my pictures were so much better! 

Therefore, I spent time learning even more, and over that time have invested in the best equipment.  I continue to learn and experiment with new and different ideas and technologies.  And I take joy in passing that knowledge and artistic flair onto my customers when I capture their special moments.

In the last couple of years the business has grown so fast! My favorite part of my job now is watching kids grow up. Each year I'm taking pictures of toddlers that were babies the previous year. Such a pleasure!

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